NeverLostGolf™ First Television Commercial

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Golfing Professional Thomas Kerstin endorses
The NeverLostGolf Tee Saver ™

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Full concept and explanation behind the use of NeverLostGolf™

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Professional golfer Thomas Kersten demo w/ NeverLostGolf Tee Saver™

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How to use NeverLostGolf Tee Saver™ in the grass

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How to use NeverLostGolf™ on a driving range mat

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NeverLostGolf™ Presents "Lesson in golf design"
Television Commercial

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Clicca sulla bandiera per vedere questo video con sottotitoli in italiano

NeverLostGolf Driving Range Mat System™
Television Commercial

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Clicca sulla bandiera per vedere questo video con sottotitoli in italiano

Quick look on grass

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Quick look on mat

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How to use NeverLostGolf on natural grass

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How to use NeverLostGolf on driving range mat

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